Procurement executive


Job responsibilities

Understanding the buyer's tendency in China.

Understanding the company practices and procedures, including accounting standards and regulations.

Negotiating price, terms of sale, shipping arrangements , and other details of transactions with suppliers.

Representing the company at trade shows, conferences, expositions, or other business events where buyers meet with sellers to negotiate sales.

Reviewing price lists and catalogs provided by suppliers and contacting them to request additional information about their products or services.

Preparing purchase orders for items that have been approved for purchase.

Ordering samples of products for further evaluation by their company.

More than 10 years of working experience in China, working in education, finance, sales (especially skin care product of sales), familiar with beauty and skin care market. E-commerce platform work experience or news background.

Have a deep understanding of the consumption habits and preferences of various consumer groups in China.

Familiar with the new media promotion process, able to independently complete new product marketing tasks , complete the GMV and other core indicators.

With 3 months, develop more than 30 customers in southeast region of China, including Shanghai , Jiangsu, Zhejiang , Guangdong , Shenzhen , Fujian and other regions, and more than 20 customers in de central and northwest regions , including Beijing, Sichuan, Hunan, Jiangxi, and other regions.

He or she can fluent in Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese Chinese and at least 3 dialects Chinese, travel to the corresponding areas for business development at any time according to the requirements of the company, and can independently handle and complete the assignment work abroad.

  • Informatiestromen binnen de commerciële dienst uitwerken (vergaderingen, nota's, richtlijnen, ...)
    Informatie uitwisselen met de commerciële medewerkers
  • Activiteiten van de commerciële medewerkers coördineren
    Technische ondersteuning bieden
  • De onderneming vertegenwoordigen op beurzen, salons, exposities, ...
  • De commerciële strategie van de onderneming uitwerken
    De jaaractieplannen bepalen (productpromotie, markten waarop kan worden geïnvesteerd, ...)
  • De commerciële dienst van de onderneming organiseren (ontwikkeling van het netwerk, commerciële opleidingen, ...)
  • De gegevens over de activiteiten van de dienst of de organisatie opvolgen en analyseren
    Een vooruitgangstraject voorstellen
  • Key accounts van de organisatie opvolgen
    Het klanten-/prospectenpotentieel analyseren
  • Budgetten opstellen en beheren
  • De concurrentiepositie onderzoeken (markt, prijzen, nieuwe trends, ...)


Mao Yi