Marketing specialist part time or full time


Marketing R&W Services: our projects, capabilities and services


· A high degree of freedom and autonomy to manage our marketing activities (incl. website, socials, email marketing, etc.).

· Create and manage campaigns to our customers and network of scientists (incl. web, socials, webinars, email, video, etc.).

· Write content for web and social media: case studies, news, service descriptions, newsletter, announcements, publicity.

· Generate strong, engaging visual content (logos, graphics, images, videos, presentations etc.) to enhance written content.

· Work closely with the European Sales Team to target clients and drive the expansion of our business and increase sales.

· Work closely with the program delivery team to publicize active projects, success stories, winners’ announcements.

· Monitor and share progress on marketing activities with the sales and delivery teams in written and verbal updates.

· You’ll be collaborating with our regional sales managers and program managers who are there to support you.

· Assess competitive environment, identify marketing trends & best practices and drive improvement actions.

Jouw profiel

Bachelor in Marketing, preferably ⚠ or ⚠ years of relevant experience.

Must be fluent in English, reading, writing, speaking.

  • Promotiemiddelen voor de producten uitdenken en de uitwerking controleren
  • Marketingoperaties van een website coördineren
  • De marketingstrategie van de onderneming uitwerken op basis van marktonderzoek
  • Technische ondersteuning bieden aan commerciële krachten bij de lancering van commerciële actieplannen
  • Een balans van de marketingacties opstellen en verbeteringen voorstellen
  • Het marketingplan opstellen
    De ontwikkeling van de uitvoering van het marketingplan controleren
  • Sociale media-toepassingen inzetten in professionele processen
  • De promotiecampagne van de producten uitdenken en opstarten


The offer is for a part time or full time job.

Working from home or from the office. A laptop, monitor, headset, mobile phone and office chair will be provided for working from home.

TCK Team.

High level colleagues.


Maria Nixon
